This guide shows you how to upload a SSL Certificate for your website.
Note : You must have a Private Key for the Domain for which you want to Upload Certificate.
You can upload a SSL Certificate from you Webuzo Enduser Panel > Security Section > Certificate
You can upload upload certificates for multiple domains using the Certificate Wizard.
Screenshot : Certificate Option.

Screenshot : Upload SSL Certificate Option.
You can paste your SSL Certificate in the given text area.
You can browse your Certificate file from your local system.
Then click on Upload button to ADD the SSL Certificate.

Click on Upload button to have you certificate attached to your website.
Required Inputs
- Domain : Specify the domain to which the SSL Certificate is to be attached.
- Paste SSL Certificate Contents : Specify the contents of the SSL certificate. Paste the contents of the Certificate in the provide text area.
- Browse SSL Certificate : Browse the file containing the certificate.
Note : Uploaded file is required to have a .crt extension.