This guide shows you how to Add a Database User to a Particular Database and assign privileges to the same using Webuzo.

You can create a Add a Database User to a Particular Database and assign privileges to the same from Webuzo Enduser Panel > Database > Manage Database
- Click on the Add User to Database Tab on the landing page

- Select the Database Username from the DropDown List
- Select the Database Name from the DropDown List
- Then click on Add button and a Privileges Box will pop-up.
- Set the permission for your database, i.e the user can Create, Execute, Drop, Lock tables in your Database.

- You can also set the Host for the Database User for that Particular Database
Required Inputs
- Database Username - NAME of the database Username
- Database Name - NAME of the database
- Database Privileges - Tick the Privileges to Assign to the Database User for a particular database.
- Database Host - Localhost / Remote Host / Any Host