Use the Change Hostname API's to Update Webuzo Configuration , Webuzo Panel Settings and Webuzo Panel Ports.
Use this API for Update Webuzo Configuration.
API response The configuration was saved successfully.
Name | Method | Value | Description | Required |
act | GET | text | The action specified to retrieve data after update configuration | Yes |
editconfigs | POST | text | This will trigger update configuration. | Yes |
WU_PRIMARY_IP | POST | int | Primary IP for panel. | No |
WU_PRIMARY_IPV6 | POST | int | Primary IPv6 for panel | No |
WU_PRIMARY_DOMAIN | POST | text | Hostname / Panel Domain name. | No |
WU_NS1 | POST | text | NS1 for panel | No |
WU_NS2 | POST | text | NS2 for panel | No |
quota | POST | boolea | For enable quota | No |
curl --insecure -d "editconfigs=1" -d "WU_PRIMARY_IP=ipv4" -d "WU_PRIMARY_IPV6=ipv6" -d "" -d "" -d "" -d "quota=true" -X POST "https://hostname:2005/index.php?api=json&act=webuzoconfigs&apiuser=user_name&apikey=pass_api_key"
The configuration was saved successfully
Use this API for Update Webuzo Panel Setting.
API response The Webuzo PHP settings were saved successfully
Name | Method | Value | Description | Required |
act | GET | text | The action specified to retrieve data after update panel setting | Yes |
webuzophpsettings | GET | int | This will trigger update panel setting | Yes |
max_execution_time | POST | int | Set Webuzo PHP Max Execution Time | NO |
post_max_size | POST | int | Set Webuzo PHP Max POST Size. | NO |
upload_max_filesize | POST | int | Set Webuzo PHP Max Upload Size | NO |
client_max_body_size | POST | int | Set Webuzo Service Client Max Body Size | NO |
pm_max_children | POST | int | Set Webuzo PHP-FPM Max Children | NO |
pm_start_servers | POST | int | Set Webuzo PHP-FPM Start Servers | NO |
pm_min_spare_servers | POST | int | Set Webuzo PHP-FPM Min Spare Servers | NO |
pm_max_spare_servers | POST | int | Set Webuzo PHP-FPM Max Spare Servers | NO |
pm_max_requests | POST | int | Set Webuzo PHP-FPM Max Request | NO |
request_terminate_timeout | POST | int | Set Webuzo PHP-FPM Request Terminate Timeout | NO |
curl --insecure -d "max_execution_time=minimum_30" -d "post_max_size=minimum_128" -X POST "https://hostname:2005/index.php?api=json&act=webuzoconfigs&webuzophpsettings=1&apiuser=user_name&apikey=pass_api_key"
The Webuzo PHP settings were saved successfully
Use this API for Set custom Webuzo Panel ports.
API response The Webuzo Panel Ports were saved successfully
Name | Method | Value | Description | Required |
act | GET | text | The action specified to retrieve data after update panel ports | Yes |
webuzo_ports | GET | int | This will trigger set ports | Yes |
admin_port_ssl | POST | int | Admin SSL port | No |
admin_port_nonssl | POST | int | Admin Non-SSL port | No |
enduser_port_ssl | POST | int | Enduser SSL port | No |
enduser_port_nonssl | POST | int | Enduser Non-SSL port | No |
curl --insecure -d "admin_port_ssl=port_no" -d "admin_port_nonssl=port_no" -d "enduser_port_ssl=port_no" -d "enduser_port_nonssl=port_no" -X POST "https://hostname:2005/index.php?api=json&act=webuzoconfigs&webuzo_ports=1&apiuser=user_name&apikey=pass_api_key"
The Webuzo Panel Ports were saved successfully