This guide will show how you can customize the VirtualHost Config in Apache.
Webuzo includes the following files in each VirtualHost (SSL and Non SSL) configuration for all the domains.
If you would like to customize config for all the domains for a user configure the file in the following folder for each user :
Note: You will need to manually create the apache2, custom, and domain folders under /var/webuzo-data. Then, add the configuration file with your domain name inside /var/webuzo-data/apache2/custom/domains/domain.conf.
The same procedure applies for all web servers, including Apache2, Nginx, OpenLiteSpeed, and LiteSpeed.
If you would like to customize config of apache2 for certain domains configure the file in the following folder for each domain :
If you would like to customize config of nginx for certain domains configure the file in the following folder for each domain :
If you would like to customize config of openlitespeed for certain domains configure the file in the following folder for each domain :
LiteSpeed Configuration
If you would like to customize config of litespeed for certain domains configure the file in the following folder for each domain :