

Filters enable the admin to modify/hook into certain aspects of the task being done. There are several Filters in Webuzo that you can take advantage of.

The following guide will show you how the Server Admin can configure Filter Functions to customize the installation, upgrade, email and several other events.

  • SSH to your server and go to the following path:
  • You can see the file filter.txt.
  • Rename the file to make it a PHP file as filter.php.
  • Uncomment the function that matches your requirement, add the code inside the function as per your requirements, and save the file.
  • That’s it you have configured your filter.


  • We make use of insert_filter function to trigger a specific filter.

insert_filter(string $tag, string $function_to_add, int $priority, int $accepted_args);


$tagstring/RequiredAction name that triggers the specific function.
$function_to_addstring/RequiredName of the function to be triggered.
$priorityint/optionalPriority in which you want the filter to be triggered. (Default is 10)
$accepted_argsint/optionalNumber of arguments accepted by the filter function. (Default is 1)

Following is the example describing how a filter is triggered by an action:

If you would like to make some changes whenever an error is triggered in Webuzo, you will have to rename the file filter.txt to filter.php and uncomment the following part and add the code in my_error_handle() function.

insert_filter('error_handle', 'my_error_handle', 1, 1);

function my_error_handle($error){
     // Add your custom code here

insert_filter adds the data added by you to Webuzo and when the appropriate event is triggered your respective function is called. For eg., in the above example, whenever the event error_handle occurs, function my_error_handle is called and the code inside the same is executed. 


The pre_install filter will trigger your function before the installation process for any script is started.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_pre_install:

insert_filter('pre_install', 'my_pre_install', 1); 
function my_pre_install(){ 
global $soft, $software, $globals; 
// Do stuff here e.g. is as follows
if($soft == 26){  
//Do things only if its WordPress


The post_install filter will trigger your function after a script is installed.


$installationarray/RequiredContains details of the installation.
Array (
[insid] => installation id
[sid] => script id
[ver] => installed version of script
[itime] => installation time
[softpath] => path to installation
[softurl] => installation URL
[softdb] => database name of installation
[softdbuser] => database user of installation
[softdbhost] => database host of installation
[softdbpass] => database password of installation
[dbprefix] => table prefix of installation

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_post_install:

insert_filter('post_install', 'my_post_install', 1, 1); 
// @param   array $installation Details of the new installation 
function my_post_install($installation){ 
global $soft, $software, $globals; 
// Do stuff here e.g. is as follows   
if($soft == 26){  
//Do things only if its WordPress 



  • The pre_mail filter will trigger your function whenever any mail is sent via Webuzo (e.g installing scripts, removing installation, etc).
  • The main usage of this filter is if you want to send out a CUSTOM Email or want to perform any action before an email is sent. e.g. if an Admin does not want to send an EMAIL of the installation of a script or any other process, then the Admin can Disable Email forcefully using this filter.


$arrayarray/RequiredContains details of an Email which is being sent.
Array (
[0] => Array
[to] => Email of USER
[subject] => Email SUBJECT
[message] => Email BODY

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_pre_mail:

insert_filter('pre_mail', 'my_pre_mail', 1, 1);
 // @param array $array Details of the email to be sent. 
function my_pre_mail($array){ 
global $globals; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
// $array  - Will contain the Email Content which is being sent // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 global $globals; 
foreach($array as $k => $v){                             
 if($v['to'] == USER_EMAIL){       
               // Do the STUFF                
 // Update the Email subject          
       $array[$k]['subject'] = 'My Custom Subject';        
 return $array; 


The pre_import filter will trigger your function right before an installation is being imported.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_pre_import:

insert_filter('pre_import', 'my_pre_import', 1); 
function my_pre_import(){
 global $soft, $software, $globals; 
// Do stuff here e.g. is as follows 
if($soft == 26){  
//Do things only if its WordPress  


The post_import filter will trigger your function after an installation is imported.


$installationarray/RequiredContains details of the installation.
Array (
[insid] => installation id
[sid] => script id
[ver] => installed version of script
[itime] => installation time
[softpath] => path to installation
[softurl] => installation URL
[softdb] => database name of installation
[softdbuser] => database user of installation
[softdbhost] => database host of installation
[softdbpass] => database password of installation

Uncomment the following part and add your code inside the function my_post_import:

insert_filter('post_import', 'my_post_import', 1, 1); 
// @param array   $installation Details of the installation imported function my_post_import($installation){ 
global $soft, $software, $globals; 
// Do stuff here e.g. is as follows
 if($soft == 26){  
//Do things only if its WordPress  


The pre_upgrade filter will trigger your function right before an installation is upgraded.


$installationarray/RequiredContains details of the installation.
Array (
[insid] => installation id
[sid] => script id
[ver] => installed version of script
[itime] => installation time
[softpath] => path to installation
[softurl] => installation URL
[softdb] => database name of installation
[softdbuser] => database user of installation
[softdbhost] => database host of installation
[softdbpass] => database password of installation

Uncomment the following part and add your code inside the function my_pre_upgrade:

insert_filter('pre_upgrade', 'my_pre_upgrade', 1, 1); 
// @param    array $installation Details of the installation being upgraded 
function my_pre_upgrade($installation){ 
global $soft, $software, $globals; 
// Do stuff here e.g. is as follows 
if($soft == 26){
  //Do things only if its WordPress 


The post_upgrade filter will trigger your function after an installation is upgraded.


$installationarray/RequiredContains details of the installation.
Array (
[insid] => installation id
[sid] => script id
[ver] => installed version of script
[itime] => installation time
[softpath] => path to installation
[softurl] => installation URL
[softdb] => database name of installation
[softdbuser] => database user of installation
[softdbhost] => database host of installation
[softdbpass] => database password of installation )

Uncomment the following part and add your code inside the function my_post_upgrade:

insert_filter('post_upgrade', 'my_post_upgrade', 1, 1); 
// @param    array $installation Details of the installation upgraded function my_post_upgrade($installation){ 
global $soft, $software, $globals; 
// Do stuff here e.g. is as follows 
if($soft == 26){
 //Do things only if its WordPress


The pre_remove filter will trigger your function right before an installation is removed.


$installationarray/RequiredContains details of the installation.
Array (
[insid] => installation id
[sid] => script id
[ver] => installed version of script
[itime] => installation time
[softpath] => path to installation
[softurl] => installation URL
[softdb] => database name of installation
[softdbuser] => database user of installation
[softdbhost] => database host of installation
[softdbpass] => database password of installation )

Uncomment the following part and add your code inside the function my_pre_remove:

insert_filter('pre_remove', 'my_pre_remove', 1, 1); 
// @param  array $installation Details of the installation being removed function my_pre_remove($installation){ 
global $soft, $software, $globals;
// Do stuff here e.g. is as follows 
if($soft == 26){  
//Do things only if its WordPress


The post_remove filter will trigger your function after an installation is removed.


$installationarray/RequiredContains details of the installation.
Array (
[insid] => installation id
[sid] => script id
[ver] => installed version of script
[itime] => installation time
[softpath] => path to installation
[softurl] => installation URL
[softdb] => database name of installation
[softdbuser] => database user of installation
[softdbhost] => database host of installation
[softdbpass] => database password of installation )

Uncomment the following part and add your code inside the function my_post_remove:

insert_filter('post_remove', 'my_post_remove', 1, 1); 
// @param  array $installation Details of the installation removed
function my_post_remove($installation){
 global $soft, $software, $globals;
 // Do stuff here e.g. is as follows 
if($soft == 26){ 
//Do things only if its WordPress


The pre_clone filter will trigger your function before the clone process is started.

Uncomment the following part and add your code inside the function my_pre_clone:

insert_filter('pre_clone', 'my_pre_clone', 1); 
function my_pre_clone(){ 
global $soft, $software, $globals; 
// Do stuff here e.g. is as follows 
if($soft == 26){ 
//Do things only if its WordPress 


The post_clone filter will trigger your function after an installation is cloned.


$installationarray/RequiredContains details of the installation.
Array (
[insid] => installation id
[sid] => script id
[ver] => installed version of script
[itime] => installation time
[softpath] => path to installation
[softurl] => installation URL
[softdb] => database name of installation
[softdbuser] => database user of installation
[softdbhost] => database host of installation
[softdbpass] => database password of installation )

Uncomment the following part and add your code inside the function my_post_clone:

insert_filter('post_clone', 'my_post_clone', 1, 1);
// @param   array $installation Details of the installation cloned
function my_post_clone($installation){
 global $soft, $software, $globals;
 // Do stuff here e.g. is as follows 
if($soft == 26){ 
//Do things only if its WordPress


The error_handle filter will trigger your function when an error is triggered in Webuzo and return the custom errors defined within.


$errorarray/RequiredContains the list of Webuzo error(s) occurred.
Array (

Uncomment the following part and add your code inside the function my_error_handle:

insert_filter('error_handle', 'my_error_handle', 1, 1); 
function my_error_handle($error){   
// Add your custom code here      
$error['my_cust_err'] = 'My Custom Error';     
return $error; 


The post_load_settings filter will trigger your function after Install Form Settings are loaded and before the form is displayed in Webuzo.

Uncomment the following part and add your code inside the function my_post_load_settings:

insert_filter('post_load_settings', 'my_post_load_settings', 1, 1); 
// @param   array $settings Contains Install Form Fields 
function my_post_load_settings($settings){ 
 // Add your custom code here


The pre_webuzo_upgrade filter will trigger your function before Webuzo Core Upgrade function is called.

Uncomment the following part and add your code inside the function my_pre_webuzo_upgrade:

insert_filter('pre_webuzo_upgrade', 'my_pre_webuzo_upgrade', 1);
function my_pre_webuzo_upgrade(){ 
// Add your custom code here 


The post_webuzo_upgrade filter will trigger your function after Webuzo Core Upgrade function is called.

Uncomment the following part and add your code inside the function my_post_webuzo_upgrade:

insert_filter('post_webuzo_upgrade', 'my_post_webuzo_upgrade', 1); 
function my_post_webuzo_upgrade(){ 
// Add your custom code here 


The post_unzip filter will trigger your function after the script package is unzipped when installing the script or upgrading, cloning, etc.

Uncomment the following part and add your code inside the function my_post_unzip:

insert_filter('post_unzip', 'my_post_unzip', 1); 
function my_post_unzip(){ 
// Add your custom code here 


This filter allows you to add custom content after Top Scripts is rendered in Enduser Panel.

insert_filter('post_top_scripts_interface', 'my_post_top_scripts_interface', 1);
function my_post_top_scripts_interface(){ 
// Add your custom code here 

The navbar_links filter will trigger your function before displaying the links in Navbar in Webuzo Enduser Panel (top right hand corner). Use this filter to Add/Remove the navbar links.


$navbararray/RequiredContains details of the installation.
Array (
[‘goto_control_panel’] => Array(
[‘fullscreen’] => HTML content for the link
[‘responsive’] => HTML content for the link )
[‘add_domain’] => Array(
[‘fullscreen’] => HTML content for the link
[‘responsive’] => HTML content for the link )
[‘goto_demo’] => Array(
[‘fullscreen’] => HTML content for the link
[‘responsive’] => HTML content for the link )
[‘goto_rating’] => Array(
[‘fullscreen’] => HTML content for the link
[‘responsive’] => HTML content for the link )
[‘goto_installations’] => Array(
[‘fullscreen’] => HTML content for the link
[‘responsive’] => HTML content for the link )
[‘goto_tasklist’] => Array(
[‘fullscreen’] => HTML content for the link
[‘responsive’] => HTML content for the link )
[‘goto_settings’] => Array(
[‘fullscreen’] => HTML content for the link
[‘responsive’] => HTML content for the link )
[‘goto_backups’] => Array(
[‘fullscreen’] => HTML content for the link
[‘responsive’] => HTML content for the link )
[‘goto_email_settings’] => Array(
[‘fullscreen’] => HTML content for the link
[‘responsive’] => HTML content for the link )
[‘goto_premium_themes’] => Array(
[‘fullscreen’] => HTML content for the link
[‘responsive’] => HTML content for the link )
[‘goto_sync’] => Array( [‘fullscreen’] => HTML content for the link
[‘responsive’] => HTML content for the link )
[‘goto_help’] => Array( [‘fullscreen’] => HTML content for the link [‘responsive’] => HTML content for the link )
[‘goto_logout’] => Array(
[‘fullscreen’] => HTML content for the link [‘responsive’] => HTML content for the link )

Uncomment the following part and add your code inside the function my_navbar_links:

insert_filter('navbar_links', 'my_navbar_links', 1, 1); 
// @param   array $navbar contains the navbar links 
function my_navbar_links($navbar){ 
// Add your custom code here 

unset($navbar['goto_email_settings']); // Example to disable email settings link 
unset($navbar['goto_backups']); // Example to disable backups link 
return $navbar; 


The eu_php_bin filter is used to define a php binary path if you are using custom PHP binary and want to define the same in Webuzo.


$php_binstring/RequiredContains path of the php binary.

Uncomment the following part and add your code inside the function my_eu_php_bin:

insert_filter('eu_php_bin', 'my_eu_php_bin', 1, 1); 
// @param string $php_bin Path of php binary 
function my_eu_php_bin($php_bin){ 
// Add your custom code here 
$php_bin = '/PATH/TO/PHPBIN'; 
return $php_bin; 


The post_load_dbdetails filter is used to set database details to be pre-filled on install form.


$dbdetailsarray/RequiredContains prefilled DB details for the installation.
Array (
[‘dbname’] => db_name,
[‘dbusername’] => db_username,
[‘dbuserpass’] => db_userpass,
[‘dbhost’] => db_host )

Uncomment the following part and add your code inside the function my_post_load_dbdetails:

insert_filter('post_load_dbdetails', 'my_post_load_dbdetails', 1, 1); 
// @param  array $dbdetails Prefilled DB details for the installation function my_post_load_dbdetails($dbdetails){
// Add your custom code here 
$dbdetails['dbname'] = '';
$dbdetails['dbusername'] = ''; // This can be used only in Webuzo Remote 
$dbdetails['dbuserpass'] = ''; // This can be used only in Webuzo Remote 
$dbdetails['dbhost'] = ''; // This can be used only in Webuzo Remote 
return $dbdetails; 



  • The pre_update_email filter will trigger your function whenever an UPDATE becomes available for an installation AND before an email is sent to the user informing him about the update.
  • The main usage of this filter is if you want to send out a CUSTOM Email when a script update is available. e.g. if a new version of WordPress is available, Webuzo will load all the list of users who have WordPress installations and will email them of the same. But if you want to send them an email yourself, you can use this filter.

Uncomment the following part and add your code inside the function my_pre_update_email:

insert_filter('pre_update_email', 'my_pre_update_email', 1); 
function my_pre_update_email(){ 
global $globals, $ins_list, $updated_scripts, $scripts; 
// $ins_list    - Will contain the details of the OUTDATED installations of all users immediately when an update becomes available 
// $updated_scripts  - The scripts which just got updated 
// $scripts  - Detailed information about all the scripts. foreach($ins_list as $username => $scriptwise){ 
// Do what needs to be done ! 
// $scriptwise will now contain the list of installations in the format of array(SCRIPTID => array()); 
foreach($scriptwise as $_sid => $_ins){ 
// Loop through the installations 
foreach($_ins as $kk => $vv){ 


The post_adddomain filter will trigger your function after a Domain is added.

Note : This filter is only available in Webuzo Remote.


$didstring/RequiredDomain ID of the domain added.

Uncomment the following part and add your code inside the function my_post_adddomain:

insert_filter('post_adddomain', 'my_post_adddomain', 1, 1); 
// @param   string $did Domain ID of the domain added 
function my_post_adddomain($did){ 
global $softpanel, $globals; 
// Do stuff here 
// e.g. is for if you want to perform action only for apache 


This filter will trigger your function after a Domain is edited.

Note : This filter is only available in Webuzo Remote.


$didstring/RequiredDomain ID of the domain added.

Uncomment the following part and add your code inside the function my_post_editdomain:

insert_filter('post_editdomain', 'my_post_editdomain', 1, 1); 
// @param   string $did Domain ID of the domain edited 
function my_post_editdomain($did){ 
global $softpanel, $globals; 
// Do stuff here 
// e.g. is for if you want to perform action only for apache 


This filter can be used if you want to use custom URLs for Webuzo Remote calls to perform tasks such as install, etc.

Note : This filter is available only available on Webuzo Remote.


$softint/RequiredScript ID to be installed.

Uncomment the following part and add your code inside the function my_post_load_soft:

insert_filter('post_load_soft', 'my_post_load_soft', 1, 1); 
// @param  array $soft Contains softid 
function my_post_load_soft($soft){
 // Add your custom code here 
return $soft; 


This filter can be used to modify the id of the script to be installed.


$softint/RequiredScript ID to be installed.

Uncomment the following part and add your code inside the function my_post_load_soft:

insert_filter('post_load_soft', 'my_post_load_soft', 1, 1); 
// @param  array $soft Contains softid 
function my_post_load_soft($soft){
 // Add your custom code here 
return $soft; 


The pre_addcron filter will trigger your function right before the cron job is added for an installation while installing the script. You can make changes to the cron execution time as well as the cron command.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_pre_addcron:

insert_filter('pre_addcron', 'my_pre_addcron', 1, 1); 
function my_pre_addcron($cron){
 global $soft, $software, $globals; 
//Add your custom cron command in $cron array. 
$cron['cron_min'] = ''; 
$cron['cron_hour'] = '';  
$cron['cron_day'] = ''; 
$cron['cron_month'] = ''; 
$cron['cron_weekday'] = ''; 
$cron['cron_command'] = ''; 
return $cron; 


The post_addcron filter will trigger your function right after the cron job is added during an installation.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_post_addcron:

insert_filter('post_addcron', 'my_post_addcron', 1, 1); 
function my_post_addcron($cron){ 
global $soft, $software, $globals; 
//Add your custom code here. 


The pre_backup filter will trigger your function right before the backup started.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_pre_backup:

insert_filter('pre_backup', 'my_pre_backup', 1, 1); 
function my_pre_backup($data){ 
//Add your custom code here. 


The post_backup filter will trigger your function right after the backup finished.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_post_backup:

insert_filter('post_backup', 'my_post_backup', 1, 1);
function my_post_backup($data){
 //Add your custom code here. 


Use this filter to pass the path to PHP binary which should be used to perform operations like Clone, Remote Import, etc.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_soft_php_bin:

insert_filter('soft_php_bin', 'my_soft_php_bin', 1, 1); 
function my_soft_php_bin($phpbin){ 
// Note : The PHP binary should be a CLI PHP binary 
$phpbin = '/PATH/TO/PHPBIN'; //Define your php binary here 
return $phpbin; 


The pre_webuzo_upgrade_check filter will trigger your function before the Webuzo Core Upgrade check is performed.

Note : This filter is for Webuzo core upgrade and not script updates.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_pre_webuzo_upgrade_check:

insert_filter('pre_webuzo_upgrade_check',  'my_pre_webuzo_upgrade_check', 1); 
function my_pre_webuzo_upgrade_check(){ 
// Add your custom code here 


The upgrade_webuzo_to_version filter will trigger your function and define the version of Webuzo you want to upgrade to. Make sure you pass correct version of Webuzo you want to upgrade to, otherwise you will be upgraded to the latest version.

  • If you enter the version as less than the Webuzo version you are currently at, Webuzo will be upgraded to the latest version.
  • If you pass the version greater than or equal to the Webuzo version you are currently at but less than or equal to the latest Webuzo version, Webuzo will be upgraded to that particular version. But if the passed version is greater than the latest Webuzo version, your Webuzo will be upgraded to the latest version only.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_upgrade_webuzo_to_version:

insert_filter('upgrade_webuzo_to_version', 'my_upgrade_webuzo_to_version', 1); 
function my_upgrade_webuzo_to_version(){ 
return '2.8.5'; // this example will upgrade Webuzo to 2.8.5 


The check_files_exist filter will trigger your function when Webuzo checks for files already exists while installing a script, use this filter to add or remove the list of files existing in the path where you are installing a script. The list returned after applying this filter is the list for which the user will be reported of files already exists (with an option to overwrite the files).

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_check_files_exist:

insert_filter('check_files_exist', 'my_check_files_exist', 1, 1); 
function my_check_files_exist($exists){ 
//e.g if you want to unset .htaccess  
if(in_array('.htaccess', $exists)){ 
  $htaccess_key = array_search('.htaccess', $exists);
return $exists; 


The post_loadinstallations filter will trigger your function before loading installations of a user in Webuzo. You will get a list of all your installations here so that you can modify the details as per your requirement and return the list back.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_post_loadinstallations:

insert_filter('post_loadinstallations', 'my_post_loadinstallations', 1, 1); 
// @param   array $data List of installations 
function my_post_loadinstallations($data){ 
//Write your code here         
//Use this if you want to save the changes you made to the installation details 
return $data; 


The post_listinstallations filter will trigger your function before listing installations of all the users in Webuzo Admin. You will get a list of all your installations of all the users here so that you can modify the details as per your requirement and return the list back.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_post_listinstallations:

insert_filter('post_listinstallations', 'my_post_listinstallations', 1, 1); 
// @param  array $data List of installations 
function my_post_listinstallations($data){ 
//Write your code here
//Use this if you want to save the changes you made to the installation details
return $data;


The pre_upgrade_outdated_plugins filter will trigger your function before upgrading the outdated plugins. You will get a list of all the outdated plugins so that you can make the changes to the list as per your need and return the list back.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_pre_upgrade_outdated_plugins:

insert_filter('pre_upgrade_outdated_plugins', 'my_pre_upgrade_outdated_plugins', 1, 1); 
// @param   array $plugins List of outdated plugins 
function my_pre_upgrade_outdated_plugins($plugins){ 
//Filter the list as per your need 
//Example of the plugins list you will get here
r_print($plugins); // This will print the list of outdated plugins
return $plugins; 


The pre_upgrade_outdated_theme filter will trigger your function before upgrading the active outdated theme. You will get the data of your active outdated theme so that you can make the changes to the data as per your need and return it back.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_pre_upgrade_outdated_theme:

insert_filter('pre_upgrade_outdated_theme','my_pre_upgrade_outdated_theme', 1, 1); 
// @param  object $theme_data Theme's data 
function my_pre_upgrade_outdated_theme($theme_data){ 
//Make changes as per your need 
//Example of the theme's api data you will get here
r_print($theme_data); // This will print the list of outdated themes
return $theme_data; 


The dns_server_ip filter will trigger your function and will make the domain point to the IP defined in the filter in case the DNS has not propogated yet and the domain is still pointing the old server.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and define the IP where you want your domain to point to in the code inside the function my_dns_server_ip:

insert_filter('dns_server_ip', 'my_dns_server_ip', 1, 1); 
// @param  string $domain The Domain to which the call will be made
function my_dns_server_ip($domain){
 $ip = ''; //Define the IP where your domain should point 
return $ip; 


Description  The pre_createdb filter will trigger your function before the database is created by Webuzo during script install.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_pre_createdb:

insert_filter('pre_createdb', 'my_pre_createdb', 1);  
function my_pre_createdb(){  
global $__settings;  
// Execute your code here  
echo  $__settings['softdb']; // This will echo the  Database Name
echo  $__settings['softdbhost']; // This will echo the  Database  Host  
echo  $__settings['softdbuser']; // This will echo the  Database  User  
echo  $__settings['softdbpass']; // This will echo the  Database  Pass  
echo  $__settings['dbprefix']; // This will echo the  Table Prefix


The post_createdb filter will trigger your function after the database is created by Webuzo during script install.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_post_createdb:

insert_filter('post_createdb', 'my_post_createdb', 1); 
function my_post_createdb(){ 
global $__settings; 
// Execute your code here 
echo  $__settings['softdb']; // This will echo the  Database Name
echo  $__settings['softdbhost']; // This will echo the  Database  Host  
echo  $__settings['softdbuser']; // This will echo the  Database  User  
echo  $__settings['softdbpass']; // This will echo the  Database  Pass  
echo  $__settings['dbprefix']; // This will echo the  Table Prefix 


The domains_list filter will trigger your function after the domains list is propagated by Webuzo. This filter allows you to add/remove domains from the domains list generated by Webuzo. 

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and define the IP where you want your domain to point to in the code inside the function my_domains_list:

insert_filter('domains_list', 'my_domains_list', 1, 1); 
// @param   string $domains Domains list with domain name in the key and path to the domain in value 
function my_domains_list($domains){ 
// example to remove a domain name from the domains list 

// example to add a domain name 
// Note : In case of Webuzo Remote and Enterprise, the domain you are adding here should be added in the panel 
$domains[''] = '/home/example/public_html'; 

// Return the list of domains 
return $domains; 


The pre_staging filter will trigger your function before the Staging process is started. 

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_pre_staging:

insert_filter('pre_staging', 'my_pre_staging', 1, 1); 
function my_pre_staging(){ 
global $soft, $software, $globals;
 // Do stuff here e.g. is as follows 
if($soft == 26){
 //Do things only if its WordPress 


The post_staging filter will trigger your function after the staging copy of an installation is created.


$installationarray/RequiredContains details of the staging installation created.
Array (
[insid] => installation id
[sid] => script id
[ver] => installed version of script
[itime] => installation time
[softpath] => path to installation
[softurl] => installation URL
[softdb] => database name of installation
[softdbuser] => database user of installation
[softdbhost] => database host of installation
[softdbpass] => database password of installation )

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_post_staging:

insert_filter('post_staging', 'my_post_staging', 1, 1); 
// @param  array $installation Details of the staging installation created 
function my_post_staging($installation){
 global $soft, $software, $globals;
 // Do stuff here e.g. is as follows 
if($soft == 26){  
//Do things only if its WordPress 


The pre_pushtolive filter will trigger your function before a staging installation is pushed to live. 

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_pre_pushtolive:

insert_filter('pre_pushtolive', 'my_pre_pushtolive', 1, 1);
 function my_pre_pushtolive(){
 global $soft, $software, $globals;
 // Do stuff here e.g. is as follows 
if($soft == 26){
 //Do things only if its WordPress


The post_pushtolive filter will trigger your function after a staging installation is pushed to live.


$installationarray/RequiredContains details of the live installation into which the staging environment is pushed.
Array (
[insid] => installation id
[sid] => script id
[ver] => installed version of script
[itime] => installation time
[softpath] => path to installation
[softurl] => installation URL
[softdb] => database name of installation
[softdbuser] => database user of installation
[softdbhost] => database host of installation
[softdbpass] => database password of installation )

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_post_pushtolive:

insert_filter('post_pushtolive', 'my_post_pushtolive', 1, 1); 
// @param   array $installation Details of the live installation into which the staging environment is pushed 
function my_post_pushtolive($installation){
global $soft, $software, $globals; 
// Do stuff here e.g. is as follows 
if($soft == 26){
 //Do things only if its WordPress  


The pre_addcron_auto_backup filter will trigger your function right before the cron job for auto backup is added for an installation while installing/editing the script. You can make changes to the cron execution time as well as the cron command.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_pre_addcron_auto_backup:

insert_filter('pre_addcron_auto_backup', 'my_pre_addcron_auto_backup', 1, 1); 
function my_pre_addcron_auto_backup($cron){ 
global $soft, $software, $globals; 
//Add your custom cron command in $cron array. 
$cron['cron_min'] = ''; 
$cron['cron_hour'] = '';  
$cron['cron_day'] = '';
$cron['cron_month'] = ''; 
$cron['cron_weekday'] = '';
$cron['cron_command'] = ''; 
return $cron;


The post_addcron_auto_backup filter will trigger your function right after the cron job for auto backup is added for an installation while installing/editing the script.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_post_addcron_auto_backup:

insert_filter('post_addcron_auto_backup', 'my_post_addcron_auto_backup', 1, 1); 
function my_post_addcron_auto_backup($cron){
 global $soft, $software, $globals; 
//Add your custom code here.


The faqs filter will trigger your function before displaying the FAQs in the enduser panel. You can edit existing FAQs, remove existing FAQs or add new FAQs.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_faqs:

insert_filter('faqs', 'my_faqs', 1, 1); 
function my_faqs($faqs){
// Add a FAQ
$faqs['custom_faq_1']['question'] = 'Customized Question';
$faqs['custom_faq_1']['answer'] = 'Customized Answer';
// Unset an existing FAQ
return $faqs;


The check_softpath_exist filter will trigger when a user is installing a script in a sub-directory. Webuzo will check if the directory already exists and pass on to this filter. If you want to make a custom check or overwrite the check done by Webuzo you can use this filter.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function check_softpath_exist:

insert_filter('check_softpath_exist', 'my_check_softpath_exist', 1, 1); 
function check_softpath_exist($softpath_exist, $softpath){
//Return false to allow Webuzo to continue installation OR true to stop installation.
return false;


The auto_upgrade_installation_accessible filter can be used to force upgrade even if the installation is not accessible via curl OR can be used if the user do not want to allow auto upgrade.
Webuzo will skip the curl call check for the installation during upgrade if return true and Webuzo will not allow auto upgrade if return false.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_auto_upgrade_installation_accessible

insert_filter('auto_upgrade_installation_accessible', 'my_auto_upgrade_installation_accessible', 1, 1); 
function my_auto_upgrade_installation_accessible($is_accessible){
// Return true if you want to force upgrade even if the installation is not accessible via curl
return true;
// Return false if you do not want to allow auto upgrade
return false;


The pre_filelist filter can be used to return the files/folders list in a specific directory.
Webuzo will skip its process of listing and will use the array returned by this filter.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_pre_filelist

insert_filter('pre_filelist', 'my_pre_filelist', 1, 3);
function my_pre_filelist($filelist, $scandir, $options){  
// Return the filelist array
     return $filelist; 

$filelist : (array) This will always be empty in pre_filelist filter
$scandir : (string) This is the directory for which you need to return the files/folders
$options : (array) This contains the constrains you need to use while calculating the list
Structure of $options parameter :

$options = array('sub_directories' => $searchSubdirs, // 1 - to search in sub directories
            'directories_only' => $directoriesonly, // 1 - to look for directories only OR 0 - for files and dirs
            'maximum_level' => $maxlevel, // Maximum number of recursions for sub dirs | 'all' refers to no limit
            'start_level' => $level); // The sub-directory level to start with

Sample structure of the $filelist array you need to return

File in the 1st level
[/var/www/html/file.txt] => Array
[level] => 1
[dir] => 0
[name] => file.txt
[path] => /var/www/html/

Directory in the 1st level
[/var/www/html/dir] => Array
[level] => 1
[dir] => 1
[name] => dir
[path] => /var/www/html/

File in the 2nd level
[/var/www/html/dir/new.php] => Array
[level] => 2
[dir] => 0
[name] => new.php
[path] => /var/www/html/dir/


The post_filelist filter can be used to modify the files/folders list in a specific directory calculated by Webuzo.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_post_filelist

insert_filter('post_filelist', 'my_post_filelist', 1, 3);
function my_post_filelist($filelist, $scandir, $options){  
// Return the filelist array
     return $filelist; 

$filelist : (array) This will be the list calculated by Webuzo. You can make changes in this array and return the new array
$scandir : (string) This is the directory for which you need to return the files/folders
$options : (array) This contains the constrains you need to use while calculating the list
Structure of $options parameter :

$options = array('sub_directories' => $searchSubdirs, // 1 - to search in sub directories
            'directories_only' => $directoriesonly, // 1 - to look for directories only OR 0 - for files and dirs
            'maximum_level' => $maxlevel, // Maximum number of recursions for sub dirs | 'all' refers to no limit
            'start_level' => $level); // The sub-directory level to start with

Sample structure of the $filelist array you need to return

File in the 1st level
[/var/www/html/file.txt] => Array
[level] => 1
[dir] => 0
[name] => file.txt
[path] => /var/www/html/

Directory in the 1st level
[/var/www/html/dir] => Array
[level] => 1
[dir] => 1
[name] => dir
[path] => /var/www/html/

File in the 2nd level
[/var/www/html/dir/new.php] => Array
[level] => 2
[dir] => 0
[name] => new.php
[path] => /var/www/html/dir/


This filter allows you to modify the installation details before it is saved while importing the installation (by enduser).

Note : This filter is executed only when installations are imported by Endusers

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function pre_import_save:

insert_filter('pre_import_save', 'my_pre_import_save', 1, 1);
 function my_pre_import_save($ins){
// If you would like to save a WordPress installation into your custom WordPress package you can update SID 
$ins['sid'] = 10001;
// This will save the SID of the installation to 10001
// Similarly you can modify any details you want before saving the installation
return ins;


This filter allows you to modify the installation details before it is saved while importing the installation (by admin/CLI).

Note : This filter is executed only when installations are imported by Admin from GUI or Command Line

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function pre_admin_import_save:

insert_filter('pre_admin_import_save', 'my_pre_admin_import_save', 1, 1);
 function my_pre_admin_import_save($ins){
// If you would like to save a WordPress installation into your custom WordPress package you can update SID
$ins['sid'] = 10001;
// This will save the SID of the installation to 10001
// Similarly you can modify any details you want before saving the installation
return ins;


This filter allows you to make changes to the outdated plugins list (add or remove) before upgrading the same.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function pre_upgrade_plugins:

insert_filter('pre_upgrade_plugins', 'my_pre_upgrade_plugins', 1, 3);
function my_pre_upgrade_plugins($outdated_plugins, $soft, $username){
// If you want to remove any plugin before upgrading unset($outdated_plugins['pagelayer/pagelayer.php']); 
// Return the $outdated_plugins array to continue with plugins upgrade 
return $outdated_plugins;

$outdated_plugins : (array) This is an array with the list of outdated plugins that will be upgraded. You can make changes in this array and return the updated array.
$soft : (int) This is the id of the script for which plugins are being upgraded
$username : (string) This contains the username for which the upgrades are being done

Structure of $outdated_plugins parameter is as follows :

        [pagelayer/pagelayer.php] => stdClass Object (  
                [id] =>  
                [slug] => pagelayer  
                [plugin] => pagelayer/pagelayer.php  
                [new_version] => 1.1.0  
                [url] =>
                [package] =>  
                [tested] => 5.4  
                [requires_php] => 5.5  
                [compatibility] => Array ( )  
                [Name] => PageLayer  


This filter allows you to make changes to the outdated themes list (add or remove) before upgrading the same.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function pre_upgrade_themes:

insert_filter('pre_upgrade_themes', 'my_pre_upgrade_themes', 1, 3);
function my_pre_upgrade_themes($outdated_themes, $soft, $username){
// If you want to remove any theme before upgrading unset($outdated_themes['twentytwenty']);
// Return the $outdated_themes array to continue with themes upgrade
return $outdated_themes;

$outdated_themes: (array) This is an array with the list of outdated themes that will be upgraded. You can make changes in this array and return the updated array.
$soft : (int) This is the id of the script for which themes are being upgraded
$username : (string) This contains the username for which the upgrades are being done

Structure of $outdated_themes parameter is as follows :

[twentytwenty] => stdClass Object (
[name] => Twenty Twenty
[slug] => twentytwenty
[version] => 1.2
[preview_url] =>
[author] => wordpressdotorg
[screenshot_url] => //
[rating] => 84
[num_ratings] => 34
[downloaded] => 757989
[last_updated] => 2020-03-31
[homepage] =>
[download_link] =>


This filter allows you to print any custom message after Webuzo header is loaded, this filter will be called on all pages after loading the header

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_post_header:

insert_filter('post_header', 'my_post_header', 1);
function my_post_header(){
    echo 'This is a custom message';


This filter allows you to modify the WordPress sets loaded. This filter includes both admin and enduser sets list.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_post_load_sets:

insert_filter('post_load_sets', 'my_post_load_sets', 1, 1);
function my_post_load_sets($sets){
// To remove an admin set from the list 
// Note : _admin is added at the end of set name for admin sets 

// To remove an enduser set from the list 

// To set the default state of the set as checked for installation 
$sets['SET_NAME']['default_value'] = 1; 

return $sets;

$sets: (array) This is an array with the list of WordPress sets added by admin/endusers. You can make changes in this array and return the updated array.

Structure of the $sets array

    [SET_NAME_admin] => Array
            [plugins] => Array
                    [loginizer] => Loginizer
            [default_value] => 0 
            [themes] => Array 
                   [twentytwenty] => Twenty Twenty 
           [admin_set] => 1 


This filter allows you to modify the admin WordPress sets loaded. This filter includes only admin sets list.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function my_post_load_sets_admin:

insert_filter('post_load_sets_admin', 'my_post_load_sets_admin', 1, 1);
function my_post_load_sets_admin($sets){
// To remove an admin set from the list 
// Note : _admin is added at the end of set name for admin sets 

// To set the default state of the set as checked for installation 
$sets['SET_NAME_admin']['default_value'] = 1;

return $sets;

$sets: (array) This is an array with the list of WordPress sets added by admin. You can make changes in this array and return the updated array.

Structure of the $sets array

    [SET_NAME_admin] => Array
            [plugins] => Array
                    [loginizer] => Loginizer
            [default_value] => 0
            [themes] => Array 
                    [twentytwenty] => Twenty Twenty 
            [admin_set] => 1 


This filter allows you to exclude files/folders from being copied to the clone installation.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function exclude_files_clone:

insert_filter('exclude_files_clone', 'my_exclude_files_clone', 1, 2);
function my_exclude_files_clone($exclude_files, $softpath){
// $exclude_files is expected as an array 
// Add files/folders to be excluded 
     $exclude_files[] = $softpath.'/.htaccess'; 
     $exclude_files[] = $softpath.'/cache'; 
     return $exclude_files;

$exclude_files : (array) This will be the list of files to be excluded calculated by Webuzo. You can make changes in this array and return the new array.
$softpath : (string) This is the path of the live installation.


This filter allows you to exclude files/folders from being copied to the staging installation.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function exclude_files_staging

insert_filter('exclude_files_staging', 'my_exclude_files_staging', 1, 2);
function my_exclude_files_staging($exclude_files, $softpath){
// $exclude_files is expected as an array
// Add files/folders to be excluded
$exclude_files[] = $softpath.'/.htaccess';
$exclude_files[] = $softpath.'/cache';
return $exclude_files;

$exclude_files : (array) This will be the list of files to be excluded calculated by Webuzo. You can make changes in this array and return the new array.
$softpath : (string) This is the path of the live installation.


This filter allows you to exclude files/folders from being copied from staging installation to live installation.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function exclude_files_pushtolive:

insert_filter('exclude_files_pushtolive', 'my_exclude_files_pushtolive', 1, 2);
function my_exclude_files_pushtolive($exclude_files, $softpath){
// $exclude_files is expected as an array 
// Add files/folders to be excluded 
      $exclude_files[] = $softpath.'/.htaccess';
      $exclude_files[] = $softpath.'/cache'; 
      return $exclude_files;

$exclude_files : (array) This will be the list of files to be excluded calculated by Webuzo. You can make changes in this array and return the new array.
$softpath : (string) This is the path of the staging installation.


This filter allows you to exclude files/folders from being imported.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function exclude_files_remoteimport:

insert_filter('exclude_files_remoteimport', 'my_exclude_files_remoteimport', 1, 2);
function my_exclude_files_remoteimport($exclude_files, $softpath){
// $exclude_files is expected as an array
// Add files/folders to be excluded
      $exclude_files[] = $softpath.'/.htaccess';
      $exclude_files[] = $softpath.'/cache';
      return $exclude_files;

$exclude_files : (array) This will be the list of files to be excluded calculated by Webuzo. You can make changes in this array and return the new array.
$softpath : (string) This is the path of the installation which is to be imported.


This filter allows you to exclude files/folders from being backup.

Uncomment the following part inside filter.php and add your code inside the function exclude_files_backup:

insert_filter('exclude_files_backup', 'my_exclude_files_backup', 1, 2);
function my_exclude_files_backup($exclude_files, $softpath){
// $exclude_files is expected as an array
// Add files/folders to be excluded
$exclude_files[] = $softpath.'/.htaccess';
$exclude_files[] = $softpath.'/cache';
return $exclude_files;

$exclude_files : (array) This will be the list of files to be excluded calculated by Webuzo. You can make changes in this array and return the new array.
$softpath : (string) This is the path of the backup installation.

Define PHP Version

You can also define the PHP version in the Pre Install Filter if you are using multiple PHP versions on your server.

  • Uncomment the part defining pre_install filter as explained above.
  • Add your code to Identify the PHP version in the function my_pre_install()
insert_filter('pre_install', 'my_pre_install', 1); 
function my_pre_install(){ 
global $soft, $software, $globals; 
// Your Code to Identify the PHP version 
$version = phpversion(); 
define('php_version', $version); 
  • If the PHP version is defined here then Webuzo will skip its process to detect the PHP version while installing a Script.
  • The above example is for pre_install filter. You can similarly configure the pre_upgrade and pre_clone filter to skip the php version check during the upgrade and clone process respectively.

Define PERL Version

You can also define the PERL version in the Pre Install Filter.

  • Uncomment the part defining pre_install filter as explained above.
  • Define the PERL version in the function you used while adding the pre install filter (my_pre_install() in this case)
insert_filter('pre_install', 'my_pre_install', 1);
 function my_pre_install(){
 global $soft, $software, $globals;
 // Your Code to Identify the PERL version
define('perl_version', '5.8.8'); 
  • If the PERL version is defined here then Webuzo will skip its process to detect the PERL version while installing a Script.
  • The above example is for pre_install filter. You can similarly configure the pre_upgrade and pre_clone filter to skip the PERL version check during the upgrade and clone process respectively.

Define MySQL Version

You can also define the MySQL version in the Pre Install Filter.

  • Uncomment the part defining pre_install filter as explained above.
  • Define the MySQL version in the function my_pre_install()
insert_filter('pre_install', 'my_pre_install', 1); 
function my_pre_install(){ 
global $soft, $software, $globals; 
// Your Code to Identify the MySQL version 
define('mysql_version', '5.7.0'); 
  • If the MySQL version is defined here then Webuzo will skip its process to detect the MySQL version while installing a Script.
  • The above example is for pre_install filter. You can similarly configure the pre_upgrade and pre_clone filter to skip the MySQL version check during the upgrade and clone process respectively.

Define Loaded Extensions

You can also define the list of enabled PHP extensions in the Pre Install Filter.

  • Uncomment the part defining pre_install filter as explained above.
  • Define the list of enabled PHP extensions in the function my_pre_install()
insert_filter('pre_install', 'my_pre_install', 1);
function my_pre_install(){ 
global $soft, $software, $globals, $__hooks; 
// E.g 
$__hooks['loaded_extension'] = array('mysqli', 'curl', 'gd');         
//If $__hooks['loaded_extension'] is the only extension loaded list and you do not want Webuzo to detect the extensions, then you can define the following constant.
define('PHP_EXT_EXHAUSTIVE', 1); 
  • If the extension is defined as enabled here then Webuzo will skip its process to detect the PHP extension enabled while installing a Script.
  • The above example is for pre_install filter. You can similarly configure the pre_upgrade and pre_clone filter to skip the PHP extensions check during the upgrade and clone process respectively.

Define Functions Enabled

You can also define the list of enabled PHP functions in the Pre Install Filter.

  • Uncomment the part defining pre_install filter as explained above.
  • Define the list of enabled PHP functions in the function my_pre_install()
insert_filter('pre_install', 'my_pre_install', 1); 
function my_pre_install(){ 
global $soft, $software, $globals, $__hooks; 
// E.g 
$__hooks['function_exists'] = array('phpinfo', 'exec','shell_exec'); 
  • If the function is defined as enabled here then Webuzo will skip its process to detect the PHP function enabled while installing a Script.
  • The above example is for pre_install filter. You can similarly configure the pre_upgrade and pre_clone filter to skip the PHP function exists check during the upgrade and clone process respectively.

Change PHP Version using .htaccess

.htaccess is used by many web hosts to change PHP version for their users. You can do this using Webuzo for the scripts that require a certain minimum PHP version.

Note : This example assumes that you run PHP 5.6 as default for the user and this filter will switch the version to PHP 7.2.

  • Add the following code in the file /path/to/webuzo/enduser/hooks/filter.php
insert_filter('pre_install', 'my_pre_install', 1); 
function my_pre_install(){ global $soft, $software, $globals, $scripts;
 // Do stuff here e.g. is as follows 
 // $scripts[$soft]['php_min'] holds the minimum PHP required by the script currently being installed
if($scripts[$soft]['php_min'] >= '7.2'){
 $version = '7.2.0';
 define('php_version', $version); 
  • This pre install filter will skip the PHP version check by Webuzo.
  • Now you have to create the .htaccess file with the content to switch PHP version to 7.3
  • Add the following code to my_post_install() function in the file /path/to/webuzo/enduser/hooks/filter.php
insert_filter('post_install', 'my_post_install', 1, 1);
// @param   array $installation Details of the new installation function my_post_install($installation){
 global $soft, $software, $globals, $scripts; 
// Do stuff here e.g. is as follows 
// $scripts[$soft]['php_min'] holds the minimum PHP required by the script currently being installed
if($scripts[$soft]['php_min'] >= '7.3'){
 $data = "AddHandler application/x-httpd-php73 .php\n"; 
 $tmp_data = sfile($installation['softpath'].'/.htaccess'); 
if(!preg_match('/AddHandler(\s*?)application/is', $tmp_data)){
 $data .= $tmp_data; 
swrite($installation['softpath'].'/.htaccess', $data, 1); 
  • This will create the .htaccess file with the required content and if the script has a .htaccess then it will write the content to the existing file.
  • Now we also need to define the PHP version during the Upgrade process.
  • Add the following code to my_pre_upgrade() function in the file /path/to/webuzo/enduser/hooks/filter.php
insert_filter('pre_upgrade', 'my_pre_upgrade', 1, 1); 
// @param   array $installation Details of the installation being upgraded 
function my_pre_upgrade($installation){ 
global $soft, $software, $globals, $scripts; 
// Do stuff here e.g. is as follows
// $scripts[$soft]['php_min'] holds the minimum PHP required by the script currently being installed
 if($scripts[$soft]['php_min'] >= '7.3'){
 $version = '7.3.0'; 
define('php_version', $version);
  • This pre upgrade filter will skip the PHP version check by Webuzo.
  • Now you have to create the .htaccess file with the content to switch PHP version to 7.3
  • Add the following code to my_post_upgrade() function in the file /path/to/webuzo/enduser/hooks/filter.php
insert_filter('post_upgrade', 'my_post_upgrade', 1, 1); 
// @param   array $installation Details of the installation upgraded
function my_post_upgrade($installation){
 global $soft, $software, $globals, $scripts; 
// Do stuff here e.g. is as follows 
// $scripts[$soft]['php_min'] holds the minimum PHP required by the script currently being installed
if($scripts[$soft]['php_min'] >= '7.3'){
 $data = "AddHandler application/x-httpd-php73 .php\n"; 
$tmp_data = sfile($installation['softpath'].'/.htaccess'); 
if(!preg_match('/AddHandler(\s*?)application/is', $tmp_data)){
 $data .= $tmp_data; 
swrite($installation['softpath'].'/.htaccess', $data, 1); 
  • This will create the .htaccess file with the required content if the content does not exist.
  • Thats it you have the filter configured to switch PHP version.
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