A DNS zone is a portion of a domain name space using the Domain Name System (DNS) for which administrative responsibility has been delegated.
A DNS zone refers to a certain portion or administrative space within the global Domain Name System (DNS).
The DNS Zone File
The DNS Zone file is the representation of the DNS Zone - it is the actual file, which contains all the records for a specific domain. In a DNS Zone file, each line can hold only one record, and each DNS Zone file must start with the TTL (Time to Live), which specifies for how long the records should be kept in the DNS Server's cache. The other mandatory record for a DNS Zone file is the SOA (Start of Authority) record - it specifies the primary authoritative name server for the DNS Zone.
DNS Zone Management
It includes a wide range of tasks, such as defining the name hierarchy within the zone, and name registration procedures maintaining the proper operation of the DNS servers. The amount of management actions depends on the size of authority standing behind a particular DNS zone. Through the user-friendly Webuzo App Manager you can manage all the records in a DNS zone. Advance DNS Setting is an exciting feature provided by Webuzo.
Add Record
Go to Home > DNS Functions > Advance DNS Settings

- Select Domain from Dropdown List
- Type Name of Record
- You can change TTL or you can set to default (14400)
- Select Type of record (A / AAAA / CNAME / TXT) from Dropdown List
- Choose a type above, then enter the relevant information below.For example, if you choose A, enter the IP address.

Edit Record
- Click on edit record

- You can change Record name / TTL / Record type / Address.
- Then click on save.

Delete Record
- If you want to delete any record then click on delete icon.

- Then click on Yes