How do I run Webuzo on Amazon EC2
If your Webuzo Account has EC2 access credentials the following information should help get you running:
- Ensure that you have provided you AWS key and Secret key to the Webuzo Account. Webuzo prompts for these keys at an initial stage.
- Use any of the following tools to launch a Webuzo in EC2:
Webuzo Cloud Launcher - Quickest with basic functionality.
AWS EC2 Web Console - Fully featured but complex.
Launch Webuzo through AWS EC2 Web Console
Here is a brief tutorial to walk you through the process of launching a Webuzo on Amazon's EC2 service.
- Webuzo Licence.(
- Amazon AWS Credentials(
Quick Guide

2. You need to configure a security group to run your Webuzo. Navigate to the "Security Group" page of the AWS EC2 Web Console

3. Create a new security group with the name "Webuzo"

4. Add the necessary ports for your application. At the very least you should open the following ports:
- 22 - SSH
- 21 - FTP
- 80 - HTTP
- 443 - HTTPS
- 2002 to 2005 - HTTPS for the Webuzo Admin Panel
- 8080 - Apache Tomcat
- 25 - SMTP
- 110 - POP3
- 143 - IMAP
- 465 - SMTPS
- 587 - SMTP TLS
- 993 - IMAPS
- 995 - POP3S

5. Now you're ready to launch your instance. Click the "Instances" tab and then click the "Launch Instance" button

6. You will be rederected to a list available AMI's. Click the "Community" tab and filter it to just the Webuzo AMI's by putting "Webuzo" in the search box. Once you find the one you want click the corresponding "Select" button for it.

7. Select an Instance Type: t1.micro, m1.large, c1.xlarge. Otherwise the defaults on the Instance Details pages tend to be acceptable. This includes things like kernel and RAM disk IDs and tags.
8. Choose the Security Group you created earlier and then click Continue

9. Now all you need to do is review your selections and click the Launch button.

10. Click the link to view the status.

11. It will have a status of "Starting up" for about a minute. Once it's ready it will turn green and say "running."

12. Click the checkbox to find the "Public DNS address." Copy that link, enter it into a web browser and then proceed configure your Webuzo.

Note : Shutting down Webuzo
Note that once your instance is running it will continue to run until you shut it down. If you forget and accidentally leave Webuzo running you will be billed, by Amazon, for the hours, bandwidth and disk space consumed. To shut down an instance
- Select the instance in your dashboard
- Click on the Instance Actions button
- Choose Terminate (or Stop if you just want to stop it temporarily, you are still charged for disk usage).