This guide gives a quick description of Webuzo. This page provides you the Software Information and latest updates about Webuzo.
Login into the Admin Panel
You will need to login into your Webuzo Admin Panel.
The Webuzo Admin Panel is located at :
You can login with the root details or your Webuzo user account you created during initial setup.
After logging in you will see the following Admin Dashboard

- Webuzo News
keeps user updated with the latest information about Webuzo. It's is
updated frequently so as to notify users of the updates and launches in
- Software Info provides information about the Software and covers the following:
- Webuzo License: webuzo-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx - Webuzo License key for the server.
- License Type: Premium (Refresh License) - Defines whether
user owns a Premium License or a Free License. Refresh License is useful
when a Free user switches to a Premium users.
- Server IP: xx.xx.xx.xx - Defines the IP of the server.
- IP as per licensing server: xx.xx.xx.xx - Defines the IP as per Licensing server.
- PHP Version: 5.x.x - States the PHP version running on Webuzo.
- Webuzo Version : x.x.x - States your current Webuzo version.
- Latest Version: x.x.x - States the latest version of Webuzo available if any.
- Webuzo License: webuzo-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx - Webuzo License key for the server.
Webuzo License Badges on the Bottom Left of the Home page help identify Premium/Free users easily.