This guide shows you how to Add Domains, Add Sub-Domains and Domain Aliases
You can Add a Domain/ Sub-domain / Alias from your Webuzo Enduser Panel > Features > Add Domain
Screenshot : Add Domain

Add Domain

- Populate the input field with the Domain you want to ADD.
For e.g : testexample.com - Check the box if you want to add domain as Addon Domain or Uncheck the box if you want to add domain as Parked Domain.
- Populate the input field with the Path to the directory you want your domain to point.
- Populate the input field with the IP Address of the domain if it is not pointing to the Webuzo Server.
- Check the box if you want Webuzo to add the Mail Validation Records or Uncheck the box if you do not want Webuzo to add the Mail Validation Records.
- Check the box if you want to issue a Lets Encrypt certificate via Webuzo or Uncheck the box if you do not want to issue a Lets Encrypt certificate via Webuzo.
- Click on the Add Domain Button to ADD the Domain.
- Click on Manage Domains to view your newly added domain

- Access your domain.

You can further manage your domains
Required Input
Domain - Refers to the domain you wish to ADD. For. e.g "example.com" Is the Domain Addon or Parked ? - Uncheck to add the domain as a "Parked" Domain. Default is "checked" to ADD the domain as an "Addon" Domain. Domain Path - If it is an AddOn Domain/ Alias , you need to specify the directory path to be created for the domains.
Here is a Video Tutorial
Add Sub Domain
- Populate the input field with the Sub-Domain you want to ADD.
For e.g : sub.example.com

- Click on the Add Domain Button to ADD the Sub Domain.
- Click on Manage Domains to view your newly added Sub Domain

- Access your domain.

You can further manage your sub domains
Required Input
Domain - Refers to the sub-domain you wish to ADD. For. e.g "sub.example.com" Is the Domain Addon or Parked ? - Uncheck to add the sub-domain as a "Parked" Sub-Domain. Default is "checked" to ADD the sub-domain as an "Addon" sub-domain. Domain Path - If it is an AddOn Domain/ Alias , you need to specify the directory path to be created for the domains.
Here is a Video Tutorial
Add Domain Alias
- Populate the input field with the Domain you want to ADD.
For e.g : aliasexample.com

- Point the directory to the Domain for which you want to create an Alias.
- Click on the Add Domain Button to ADD the Domain Alias.
- Click on Manage Domains to view your newly added Domain Alias

- Access your domain.

You can further manage your Domain Aliases
Required Input
Domain - Refers to the domain you wish to ADD. For. e.g "aliasexample.com" Is the Domain Addon or Parked ? - Uncheck to add the domain as a "Parked" Domain. Default is "checked" to ADD the domain as an "Addon" Domain. Domain Path - If it is an AddOn Domain/ Alias , you need to specify the directory path to be created for the domains.