Install Imunify360


This guide will show you how to install Imunify360 in Webuzo Control Panel. Imunify360 is the security solution for Linux web servers based on machine learning technology which utilizes a multi-layer approach to provide total protection against any types of malicious attacks or abnormal behavior including distributed brute force attack

Install Imunify360 Plugin

Please run the following command :

wget -N

chmod +x


If ImunifyAV or ImunifyAV+ is already installed on your server you will be prompted to uninstall ImunifyAV. Type y to continue installing Imunify360.

Activate License

First, unregister your existing (trial) license key:
imunify360-agent unregister

After that, for key-based licenses, run:
imunify360-agent register YOURKEY

For IP-based licenses:
imunify360-agent register IPL

Use the word IPL, not an actual IP address for this command.

Admin Panel Screenshot


Enduser Panel Screenshot

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