Now you can launch a AWS EC2 instance of your favorite app by a click from the AWS Marketplace. Webuzo is glad to list PrestaShop and Moodle AMIs in the AWS marketplace thus simplifying the instance launching process and deploying favorite applications easily by a click of a button.
AWS Marketplace is an online store that helps customers find, buy, and immediately start using the software and services that run in the EC2 cloud.
Currently the Prestashop and Moodle AMIs are listed in the AWS Marketplace.
Quick Info
1) PrestaShop - Webuzo Application Manager
Webuzo PrestaShop Stack is pre-bundled with all the dependencies and requirements like Apache, MySQL, PHP, etc. PrestaShop e-Commerce Solution was built to take advantage of essential Web 2.0 innovations such as dynamic AJAX-powered features and next-generation ergonomy. PrestaShop guides users through your product catalog intelligently and effortlessly, turning intrigued visitors into paying customers.
Ready to Launch the PrestaShop AMI ??
2) Moodle - Webuzo Application Manager
Webuzo Moodle Stack is pre-bundled with all the dependencies and requirements like Apache, MySQL, PHP, etc. Moodle is a Course Management System (CMS), also known as a Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It is a Free web application that educators can use to create effective online learning sites.
Ready to Launch the Moodle AMI ??
Webuzo will be adding many more AMIs of popular scripts in the days to come. AMIs Script suggestions can be sent at sales [@]
For issues related to the AMIs, open a support ticket with the Support Team