Webuzo NukeViet CMS (ID : 655) package has been updated to version
4.3.08. NukeViet CMS is multi Content Management System. NukeViet CMS is the first opensource CMS in Vietnam. The lastest version - NukeViet 4 coding ground up support lastest web technologies, include reponsive web design (use HTML 5, CSS 3, Composer, XTemplate), jQuery, Ajax...) enables you to build websites and online applications rapidly.
With it own core libraries built in, NukeViet 4 is cross platforms and frameworks independent. By basic knowledge of PHP and MySQL, you can easily extend NukeViet for your purposes.
Review, Rate and View Demo of NukeViet CMS here:
http://www.webuzo.com/apps/cms/NukeViet CMS