Updates :
1) Joomla 2.5 -> 2.5.3, 2) Crafty Syntax -> 3.1.9,
Updates :
1) SugarCRM -> 6.4.2
Updates :
1) Moodle -> 2.2.2, 2) Moodle 2.0 -> 2.0.8, 3)
Updates :
1) Contao -> 2.11.1, 2) Silex -> v1.7.0RC1
Updates :
1) Fork -> 3.3.0, 2) Adminer -> 3.3.4, 3) PyroCMS
Updates :
1) Crafty Syntax -> 3.1.6, 2) Vanilla ->, 3)
Updates :
1) Joomla 2.5 -> 2.5.2, 2) OSClass -> 2.3.6
Updates :
LimeSurvey -> 1.92
Updates :
1) b2evolution -> 4.1.3, 2) OpenCart ->, 3) Mantis
Updates :
1) ZenPhoto ->, 2) Fork -> 3.2.7, 3) Dolibarr
Webuzo 1.6 Launched
This version of Webuzo fixes some bugs and has some API improvements and some cool new features like IP Blocking and FTP Quota management. Full Story
Updates :
1) phpScheduleIt -> 2.0.1, 2) Piwik -> 1.7.1, 3) Jcow
Updates :
1) phpwcms -> 1.5, 2) cFTP -> r93, 3) MyWebSQL
Updates :
1) phpMyFAQ -> 2.7.4, 2) Fork -> 3.2.6, 3) Sharetronix
Updates :
1) phpMyAdmin -> 2) Seo Panel -> 3.1.0 3)
1 349 350 351 352 353 360
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