Updates :
1) Seo Panel -> 3.3.0, 2) Roundcube -> 0.8.4, 3)
Updates :
1) Roundcube -> 0.8.3, 2) Mantis Bug Tracker -> 1.2.12,
Updates :
1) Elgg -> 1.8.9, 2) OpenClassifieds -> 1.8.3, 3) Typo3
Updates :
1) Moodle -> 2.3.3, 2) Piwik -> 1.9.2, 3) Typo3
Updates :
1) Joomla -> 2.5.8, 2) Joomla 3.0 -> 3.0.2
Updates :
1) Drupal -> 7.17, 2) TCExam -> 11.4.001, 3) Logaholic
Added new Java App:
1) jforum -> 2.1.9
Webuzo 2.0.4 Launch
The Webuzo Team is glad to announce the launch of Webuzo 2.0.4 This version of Webuzo fixes some bugs and API changes.Full Story
Updates :
1) PyroCMS -> 2.1.5, 2) SimplePie -> 1.3.1, 3) phpMyFAQ
Updates :
1) Contao -> 3.0.0, 2) CubeCart -> 5.1.5
Updates :
1) phpScheduleIt -> 2.3.4
Webuzo 2.0.3 Launch
The Webuzo Team is glad to announce the launch of Webuzo 2.0.3 This version of Webuzo greately enchances the GUI and fixes some bugs and API changes.Full Story
Updates :
1) PrestaShop ->, 2) CMS Made Simple ->,
Updates :
1) e107 -> 1.0.2, 2) OSClass -> 3.0.2
Updates :
1) PmWiki -> 2.2.44
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