Handle MX Records with Webuzo
A mail exchanger record (MX record) is a type of resource record in the Domain Name System that specifies a mail server responsible for accepting email messages on behalf of a recipient's domain, and a preference value used to prioritize mail delivery if multiple mail servers are available. This article will guide you to handle (add / edit / remove ) MX records using Webuzo. Getting Started Navigate to Webuzo Enduser Panel > Email Server > MX Record Navigate MX Records A ) Adding MX Records Step 1) Populate the following fields and Hit "Add Record" Domain - MX Record to be created for the selected domain. Priority - Specify the MX Record Priority. Destination - Specify the Destination pointing to the specified domain. Add MX Records Step 2) A message box will pop-up on success. Success Add MX Records B ) Edit MX Records Step 1) Select the Domain to Edit the MX Record Step 2) Click on the Edit icon to edit any of the MX Records. Edit MX Records Step 3) Change the required fields and Hit Save Priority - Specify the MX Record Priority. Destination - Specify the Destination pointing to the specified domain. Save  MX Records C ) Delete MX Records Step 1) Select the Domain to delete the MX Record Step 2) Click on the delete icon inline to the record you wish to delete. Delete MX Records That's it !!! Done. Managing MX Records is extremely simple with Webuzo easy-to-use GUI. Default MX Records are built for every domain added using the Webuzo Enduser Panel. Experience the Demo here: Webuzo Admin Panel : Webuzo Enduser Panel : Support :
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