Webuzo is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the cloud.
Deploy a wide range of web applications as well as system applications from the Webuzo Library by just a click of a button or manually deploy your sites to your domains.
Users usually face the "Internal Server Error" due to negligence of permissions to the files/folders and similar issues.
Some of the solutions to fix this issue on Webuzo are as follows
Sol #1
Assumption : Webuzo User (soft) has a domain example.com with the path "home/soft/www/public_html"
In the above scenario, files/folders with the home/soft/www/public_html directory should have the owner and group set to the webuzo username i.e soft instead of root.
Execute the follow command from the terminal to fix the issues related to the permissions

Root > chown -R soft:soft /home/soft/public_html
Note : Replace "soft" by your Webuzo Username and "/home/soft/public_html" with the path to your files.
Sol #2
Webuzo requires to be installed on a minimal CentOS 5.x / 6.x or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x / 6.x or Scientific Linux 5.x / 6.x (x86 or x86_64) / Ubuntu LTS machine.
Important !!!
Note : There should be no third-party tools like PHP, Apache, MySQL,etc installed on the server.
Usually, Apache installed by default on the server conflicts with Webuzo's Apache Binary located at /usr/local/apps/apache resulting in the "Internal Server Error".
Fix for the same will be to remove the default installation of Apache from the server and remove/install Apache using Webuzo.
Step 1) Remove default Apache service from the server
Root > yum -y remove httpd
Step 2) Remove and Install Apache by a click using Webuzo
Navigate to Webuzo Enduser Panel >> Apps >> WebServers >> Apache
Click on the "Remove" button to remove Apache >> "Return to Overview" >> Click on the "Install" button to install Apache.
Guide : http://www.webuzo.com/wiki/Install_System_Apps
Video Tutorial : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otOgYTsKuxQ
Step 3) Restart the Apache service from the terminal for once.
Root > service httpd restart
Rare Case Scenario:
If at all your face an error like "mod_wsgi.so could not be located" while restarting the Apache service, simply remove and install Python2 from the Webuzo Enduser Panel >> Server Side Scripting >> Python2
Restart the Apache Service !!!
Root > service httpd restart
That's It !!!
Other Issues
Invalid contents in the file .htaccess on your server can lead to Internal Server Error as well.
Check for the error logs for the particular domain in the Apache Logs directory to learn about the cause for the error!!!
Apache Logs Path : /usr/local/apps/apache/logs/
Hope this information was useful !!!
Webuzo Demo
Admin Panel : http://demo.webuzo.com/
Enduser Panel : http://demo.webuzo.com/enduser/
Webuzo Support
Support : https://www.softaculous.com/support/open.php?