Webuzo is glad to list Concrete5 in the AWS Marketplace thus simplifying the instance launching process and deploying favorite applications easily by a click of a button. AWS Marketplace is an online store that helps customers find, buy, and immediately start using the software and services that run in the EC2 cloud.
Concrete5 powered by Webuzo is pre-bundled with all the dependencies and requirements like Apache, MySQL, PHP, etc. Concrete5 makes running a website easy. Go to any page in your site, and a editing toolbar gives you all the controls you need to update your website. No intimidating manuals, no complicated administration interfaces - just point and click.
Ready to Launch the Concrete5 Instance in the Cloud ? ?
Concrete5 powered by Webuzo is pre-bundled with all the dependencies and requirements like Apache, MySQL, PHP, etc. Concrete5 makes running a website easy. Go to any page in your site, and a editing toolbar gives you all the controls you need to update your website. No intimidating manuals, no complicated administration interfaces - just point and click.
Ready to Launch the Concrete5 Instance in the Cloud ? ?