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1) Moodle -> 2.4.1, 2) Zikula -> 1.3.5, 3) Piwik
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1) Coppermine -> 1.5.22, 2) phpLiteAdmin ->
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1) FluxBB -> 1.5.2
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1) Subrion -> 2.3.1
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1) WebCalendar -> 1.2.6, 2) PmWiki -> 2.2.46, 3) Jenkins
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1) Elgg -> 1.8.12
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1) ProjectSend -> r180, 2) Traq -> 2.4.1
Added New Scripts:
1) Vision Helpdesk -> 3.3.2, 2) Monstra -> 2.1.3
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1) PrestaShop ->, 2) ZenPhoto -> 1.4.4, 3) phpFreeChat
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1) HESK -> 2.4.2, 2) Geeklog -> 1.8.2
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1) PrestaShop ->
Updates :
1) Oxwall -> 1.5.0, 2) Subrion -> 2.3.0
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1) Feng Office -> 2.2.2
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