Webuzo 2.1.2 Launch
Updates :
1) Joomla 2.5 -> 2.5.13, 2) OSClass -> 3.2.0, 3)
1) Joomla -> 3.1.4
1) Open Web Messenger -> 1.6.5, 2) Dolibarr -> 3.3.3,
Updates :
1) Mahara -> 1.7.2, 2) Jenkins -> 1.524
Updates :
1) WHMCS -> 5.2.6
Updates :
1) Typo3 45 -> 4.5.28, 2) Typo3 -> 6.1.2
Updates :
1) AbanteCart -> 1.1.6, 2) Dotclear -> 2.5.1, 3) selfoss
Updates :
1) Feng Office -> 2.3.1, 2) Zurmo -> 2.0.15, 3)
Added New System Applications:
1) Node.js 2) Tomcat6 3) Virgo
Updates :
1) Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware 9 -> 9.6, 2) TCExam
Webuzo 2.1.1 Launch
The Webuzo Team is glad to announce the launch of Webuzo 2.1.1 This version of Webuzo adds some cool new features and fixes some bugs.
Updates :
1) ocPortal -> 9.0.8
Updates :
1) TomatoCart ->, 2) ownCloud -> 5.0.8, 3) TCExam
Updates :
1) OpenClassifieds -> 2.0.4, 2) EPESI -> 1.5.3
1 18 19 20 21 22 52
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