Updated LimeSurvey to 3.25.12+
Webuzo LimeSurvey (ID : 60) package has been updated to
Updated DropzoneJs to 5.7.6
Webuzo DropzoneJs (ID : 558) package has been updated to
Updated Laravel to 8.27.0
Webuzo Laravel (ID : 419) package has been updated to
Updated Roundcube to 1.4.11
Webuzo Roundcube (ID : 118) package has been updated to
Updated ExpressionEngine to 6.0.2
Webuzo ExpressionEngine (ID : 653) package has been updated to
Updated LimeSurvey to 3.25.11+
Webuzo LimeSurvey (ID : 60) package has been updated to
Updated Fusio to 2.0.0
Webuzo Fusio (ID : 598) package has been updated to
Updated DropzoneJs to 5.7.5
Webuzo DropzoneJs (ID : 558) package has been updated to
Updated Snipe-IT to 5.1.1
Webuzo Snipe-IT (ID : 595) package has been updated to
Updated Pimcore to 6.8.8
Webuzo Pimcore (ID : 420) package has been updated to
Updated Piwigo to 11.3.0
Webuzo Piwigo (ID : 39) package has been updated to
Updated Kimai to 1.13
Webuzo Kimai (ID : 575) package has been updated to
Updated Adminer to 4.7.9
Webuzo Adminer (ID : 280) package has been updated to
Updated Bugs to 1.8
Webuzo Bugs (ID : 555) package has been updated to
Updated UIkit to 3.6.16
Webuzo UIkit (ID : 471) package has been updated to
1 36 37 38 39 40 244
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