Access Emails with SquirrelMail in Webuzo
SquirrelMail allows you to access your email accounts through a
Handle MX Records with Webuzo
A mail exchanger record (MX record) is a type of
Enable – Disable PHP Extensions in Webuzo
Webuzo provides a wide range of extensions compiled with the
Click Install CSF Firewall using Webuzo
CSF is a Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) firewall, Login/Intrusion Detection
Manage DNS Records using Webuzo
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical distributed naming
Upgrade from Webuzo 2.0.6 to the New Architecture
Here comes a Good News for the Webuzo users still
Manage CRON Jobs in Webuzo
Cron jobs are scheduled tasks that take place at predefined
Manage FTP Accounts with Webuzo
Overview File Transfer Protocol (FTP) allows you to manage the
WordPress + Lighttpd on Webuzo
WordPress is web software you can use to create a
Click Install – WordPress + NGINX on Webuzo
While the LAMP stack is very popular (Linux + Apache
3 Steps to Install Webuzo Control Panel on CentOS/Ubuntu
Get ready with your Domain Manager / Database Manager /
ClipBucket + Webuzo + Amazon Cloud
ClipBucket is an OpenSource Multimedia Management Script Provided Free to
Quickly Deploy Webuzo on VMware Player
Webuzo is bundled in the form of Ready-to-cook Virtual Machine
Deploying WordPress in the Amazon Cloud (AWS EC2)
WordPress is web software you can use to create a
Fixing the “550 relay not permitted” Error in Webuzo
Webuzo - Single User Control Panel allows users to create
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