Updates :
1) YOURLS -> 1.5.1 2) Symfony -> 2.0.17 3) Dolibarr
Webuzo 2.0 Launch
This version of Webuzo has some new features like Email Server, fixes some bugs and has some API improvements.Full Story
Updates :
1) Roundcube -> 0.8.1, 2) HESK -> 2.4.1, 3) PmWiki
Updates :
1) CubeCart -> 5.1.4, 2) Piwik -> 1.8.3, 3) CMS
Disabled Outdated Script :
1) Hotaru CMS -> 1.4.2
Added New Scripts :
1) Chive -> 1.1, 2) SIDU -> 3.6
Updates :
1) ocPortal -> 9.0, 2) OSClass -> 3.0.1, 3) PageCookery
Updates :
1) ocPortal -> 8.1.3, 2) PyroCMS -> 2.1.3, 3) Logaholic
Updates :
1) CubeCart -> 5.1.3, 2) Omeka -> 1.5.3, 3) Roundcube
Updates :
1) TCExam -> 11.3.007, 2) BoxBilling -> 2.8.3, 3) Adminer
Updates :
1) Drupal -> 7.15, 2) ZenPhoto ->
Updates :
1) Piwigo -> 2.4.3, 2) Eventum -> 2.2
Updates :
1) Claroline -> 1.11.0, 2) SugarCRM -> 6.5.2, 3) PmWiki
Webuzo 1.9 Launch
This version of Webuzo has some new features like JAVA,Apache-Tomcat,cool jsp script Mesh CMS,SSH service enable/disable,customize username, Webuzo Rebranding and fixes some bugs and has some API improvements.Full Story
Added New Scripts :
1) ownCloud -> 4.0.4 (40 Languages), 2) Pluck -> 4.7
1 156 157 158 159 160 173
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