We have a great news for our members who use eSyndiCat & Subrion scripts. Now the installation of these products is even easier than before, as Webuzo has added both products to the scripts library. You can easily deploy eSyndiCat or Subrion installation within few minutes using the Webuzo Application Manager locally or on your VPS or in the Cloud.
Webuzo has bundled both eSyndiCat & Subrion into the Virtual appliance with all it dependencies i.e Apache, MySQL, PHP, etc. It can also be run on NGINX with some additional configurations if required. Basically it is available in a ready-to-cook form.
Here are few simple steps you need to make to start using our scripts:
1) Download eSyndiCat or Subrion and Extract the Virtual Appliance
2) Start the Virtual Appliance with tools like VMPlayer, Virtual Box, etc.
3) Follow the instruction to configure your Box
Simple, isn't it?
Both eSyndiCat & Subrion scripts can also be deployed on the AWS Amazon Cloud within minutes using the Webuzo Cloud Launcher.
Note : Contact Support if you face any trouble.
Source : Intelliants Announcement

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