Webuzo NOCs
If you wish to purchase more than 5 Licenses then its beneficial for you to become a NOC. Rates for NOC is generally less and there are slabs for rates based on the number of active licenses you possess. The rates are listed below.
Who should become a NOC ?
If you just wish to purchase more than 5 licenses then please opt in for this Program. The NOC Program is best suited for Large Web Hosts, VPS Providers and Dedicated Server Providers. Please have a look at our NOC Partners List.
NOC Pricing
NOTE : A Minimum of $20/month will be charged if your bill for the month is less than $20/month.
What are the benefits ?
When you become a NOC, you will gain access to a NOC Panel. You can Purchase New / Renew licenses in seconds and the payment will be made in the invoice generated on the 1st of every month. Some benefits include:
And much more...
Every NOC also gets a Softaculous NOC Seal:

For any questions please contact Webuzo Sales Team.
frequently asked questions

To become a NOC you will have to deposit $50. This $50 will be an Advance and will be set off against the licenses you Purchase / Renew. So when you pay this $50 a Balance will be shown in your account.
A NOC is billed on the 1st of every month for all activities and an invoice will be raised. Advances if any will be settled against the Invoices.
Our NOC Panel has the AUTO Renewal Feature, which will renew any expiring license a Day before it is about to expire. e.g. A license expires on the 8th of this month. Then this license will be renewed on the 7th of this month and the amount will be charged in this months bill. By using this feature the NOC will not need to renew their license(s) manually.
We have an NOC API as well for integration into the Billing system.
A demo of the NOC Panel is also there.
Login : demonoc
Pass: demonoc
The NOC Panel URL :
After you become a NOC, your Logo and Company Details will be displayed in our NOC List (if you permit us to do so) :
This list displays NOCs as per the number of license they have with Softaculous.
Login in to the Client Center and click on "Become NOC". If you have any questions then please contact Softaculous Sales.
A NOC is an entity having their own servers. This pricing is for INTERNAL Licensing only and not for reselling EXTERNAL Licenses. If you wish to sell EXTERNAL Licenses, then please contact sales.