Install Ioncube Loader


This guide will help you to install / upgrade ioncube loaders on your Webuzo server.


  1. Webuzo must be installed on the server.
  2. PHP must be installed on the server.

Download and Extract Ioncube loaders

Download and Extract the ioncube loaders as per your Linux version and architecture from

Locate the php.ini

You can locate the php.ini for the current version of PHP using the following command

root@host > php -i | grep php.ini 

The path to configuration file (php.ini) is

For PHP 5.3 : Path => /usr/local/apps/php53/etc 
For PHP 5.4 : Path => /usr/local/apps/php54/etc 
For PHP 5.5 : Path => /usr/local/apps/php55/etc 
For PHP 5.6 : Path => /usr/local/apps/php56/etc 
For PHP 7.0 : Path => /usr/local/apps/php70/etc 
For PHP 7.1 : Path => /usr/local/apps/php71/etc 
For PHP 7.2 : Path => /usr/local/apps/php72/etc 
For PHP 7.3 : Path => /usr/local/apps/php73/etc 

Uploading the ioncube loader

You have to upload the ioncube loader to the PHP extensions directory for the php version fetched in the above step. For example for PHP 5.6 file name shall be:

For PHP 5.6 : /usr/local/apps/php56/ext/ 

Editing the php.ini

Add the following line to the end of php.ini to enable the ioncube extension.



Confirm and verify whether Ioncube has been enabled by using the following command

root@host > php -v 

The result should be as under

PHP 5.6.16 (cli) (built: Dec  4 2015 19:26:12) 
Copyright (c) 1997-2015 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.6.0, 
Copyright (c) 1998-2015 Zend Technologies with the ionCube PHP Loader v5.0.19, 
Copyright (c) 2002-2015, by ionCube Ltd. 

That’s it. You have successfully enabled Ioncube on Webuzo.

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